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Can Stress Cause Eye Floaters?

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A beautiful blue sky and some fluffy white clouds are disturbed by several black eye floaters darting across the image.

Have you been seeing squiggly lines, tiny black dots, or cobweb-like shapes drifting across your vision? These visual disturbances, called eye floaters, are surprisingly common and often harmless. But they can certainly be distracting and annoying—especially when they appear out of nowhere during stressful times. 

This raises an important question: Can stress cause eye floaters? The answer is no, stress won’t cause eye floaters, but the heightened awareness that stress brings can make you more aware of the eye floaters you already have. However, if you’re worried about your eye floaters, you can ask your optometrist about them during your next eye exam

What Are Eye Floaters? 

Floaters are little specks or shapes that seem to float in your field of vision. They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away when you try to focus on them. Floaters are most noticeable when you’re looking at a bright, plain background, like a clear sky or a blank piece of paper. 

What Causes Eye Floaters? 

These floaters are caused by tiny clumps of collagen inside the vitreous, the gel-like substance that fills your eyeball. Over time, the vitreous can become more liquid, causing these collagen clumps to cast shadows on your retina.  

Aging is the primary cause of floaters, but other factors like eye injuries, near-sightedness, and even certain medical conditions like diabetes can play a role. 

Can Stress or Anxiety Cause Eye Floaters? 

Now for the big question—can stress really cause eye floaters to appear? The answer is not a straightforward “yes” or “no,” but there are some connections worth exploring. 

Stress and Cortisol Levels

Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone designed to help you respond to challenging situations. While helpful in the short term, prolonged high cortisol levels can negatively affect various parts of your body, including your eyes. However, there don’t seem to be links between cortisol and eye floaters. 

Indirect Links Between Stress and Floaters

Although stress might not directly create floaters, it can amplify your awareness of them. During stressful or anxious moments, you’re more likely to pay close attention to physical sensations or changes in your body—including those persistent floaters drifting in your vision. 

Additionally, stress can impact your blood flow, including circulation to the eyes. Poor circulation has indirect effects that can worsen your perception of floaters in certain instances. 

Common Triggers for Floaters 

Stress might not be the main culprit, but other situations might explain why you’re seeing floaters. 

  1. Aging – Most floaters naturally appear as part of the aging process, especially for those over 50. 
  2. Eye injuries or surgeries – Trauma to the eye increases the likelihood of floaters. 
  3. Nearsightedness (myopia) – People with near-sightedness are more prone to experiencing floaters. 
  4. Retinal tears – Rare but serious, any sudden increase in floaters could indicate a retinal tear. Seek medical advice immediately if this happens. 

While stress might exacerbate your perception of floaters, identifying these other causes remains crucial. 

How to Manage Stress for Better Eye Health 

Even if stress isn’t directly “causing” floaters, learning to manage it can have wide-ranging benefits for your overall health, including ocular health. Here’s how you can tackle stress head-on. 

1. Practice Relaxation Techniques 

Breathing exercises, yoga, and mindfulness meditation can help reduce cortisol levels and relax strained muscles, including those around your eyes. 

2. Get Regular Exercise 

Physical activity doesn’t just benefit your heart—it also improves circulation to all areas of the body, including your eyes. A brisk 30-minute walk can do wonders for both your stress levels and circulation. 

3. Take Screen Breaks 

Do you spend hours staring at a computer screen? Digital strain can aggravate your eye discomfort further. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 

4. Sleep Well 

Poor sleep and stress go hand in hand. Prioritize good sleep hygiene to ensure your body heals and rejuvenates overnight. 

5. Seek Professional Help 

If stress feels overwhelming or floaters are interfering with your daily activities, consult a healthcare professional or optometrist. Addressing the bigger picture may bring relief to both your mind and your eyes. 

An optometrist examines their patient's eyes after discussing the patient's concerns about their eye floaters

When Should You See an Eye Doctor About Floaters? 

For most people, floaters are a benign annoyance. But occasionally, they can signal a more serious eye condition that you shouldn’t ignore. Contact an eye professional immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms alongside floaters: 

  • Sudden increase in the number or size of floaters 
  • Flashes of light in your vision 
  • A shadow or dark curtain appearing at the edges of your sight 

 These symptoms could indicate a retinal detachment or tear, which requires urgent medical attention. 

Prioritize Your Eye Wellness 

While stress might not be the sole cause of eye floaters, it can play a role in heightening your awareness and discomfort. Addressing your stress levels and prioritizing overall eye health can go a long way in minimizing their impact. 

At Total Vision Talega, we’re here to help you get to the bottom of your questions about eye floaters, and anything else related to eye health. Book an appointment with us today!

Written by Total Vision

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